What if your symptoms are being caused by nutritional deficiencies?
Did you know that nearly one out of every three people are at risk of at least one vitamin or mineral deficiency?
If you are suffering from brain fog, fatigue, insomnia, depression, anxiety, headaches, acne, psoriasis, or eczema, I can help you find the hidden nutrient deficiencies underlying your problem.
In fact, in this guide, I've identified almost 180 signs and symptoms that could be related to your nutritional needs!
- When you hear the words "nutrient deficiency," what do you think of?
- We may imagine that with our abundant access to food, nutritional deficiencies are rare in the modern world.
- Yet, they're far more common than we might think. For example, 31 percent of Americans are deficient in at least one vitamin or mineral. Over 6 percent are deficient in two nutrients, and just under 2 percent are deficient in three to five nutrients.
- Nutrient deficiencies can cause a long list of symptoms (I've compiled about 180!). These include everything from muscle cramps to asthma, from dry eyes to greasy skin, and from food allergies to thyroid problems.
- Nutrient deficiencies also contribute to chronic diseases, like osteoporosis, diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease, and cancer.
- Unfortunately, we can't just throw multivitamins at the problem. Just as nutrient deficiencies cause health problems, so do excesses of some nutrients and imbalances of others. Research has consistently failed to show a benefit to multivitamin supplements, and multivitamins are often full of cheap ingredients that are inferior to the nutrients we get from food.
- The problem is we need to individualize our approach.
- Each of us is unique, and each of us changes over time.
- This leads to two absolutely important principles:
- My needs are not your needs, and your needs are not mine.
- My needs are not what they were ten years ago, and yours are not what they will be in ten years.
- In fact, I have my own struggle with nutrient deficiencies that I'll tell you about below, which emphasizes just how unique each of us is and just how much our needs can change over time.
- The thing is, if we are just guessing, changing our diet or adding and subtracting supplements by trial and error, we can waste years taking forever to figure things out.
- We can ask our doctor for help, but doctors don't learn much about nutrition in medical school, and they are more likely to prescribe drugs that manage our symptoms rather than uncovering the nutrient deficiencies that lie at the root cause.
- On the other hand, many practitioners of functional medicine will look for nutrient deficiencies, but they will often order lots of unnecessary tests that aren't covered by insurance, leaving us with an expensive bill to pay.
- I created Testing Nutritional Status: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet to guide you through the process of identifying the nutrient deficiencies, toxicities or imbalances that are most likely to be at the root of your health problems, developing an action plan using food or supplements to resolve them, and monitoring how effective your action plan is, revising it when necessary.
- This will help you sleep better, radiate a calmer, more cheerful mood, approach life with vibrant energy, clear your skin up, and tackle the ailments that have been stubbornly nagging you for years.
- It may just save you hundreds of dollars on unnecessary testing in the process.

Hey, it's Chris here. Years ago in 2012, I received my PhD in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Connecticut, served as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign until 2014, and as Assistant Professor of Health and Nutrition Sciences at Brooklyn College from 2014-2016.
Whatever. My point here isn't to brag. I want to tell you about…
...how I fell victim of deficiencies in my body, which I treated the wrong way.
Because I didn't know any better at the time, and damaged my system.

Hey, it's Chris here. Years ago in 2012, I received my PhD in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Connecticut, served as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign until 2014, and as Assistant Professor of Health and Nutrition Sciences at Brooklyn College from 2014-2016.
Whatever. My point here isn't to brag. I want to tell you about…
...how I fell victim of deficiencies in my body, which I treated the wrong way.
Because I didn't know any better at the time, and damaged my system.
When I was a little boy, my health was terrible. I had gut issues since infancy. My teeth were cavity-ridden. Pollen always did a number on me. And I developed severe anxiety in my early teens.
Nothing to envy, right?
In my late teens, my efforts to eat healthy led to some improvements.
But before long, things got much, much worse.
Hear this:
14 Years ago, I turned vegan. Back then, I thought veganism would lead me to a promised land.
That I would be healthier, my troubles would go away, and my system would run like a well-oiled machine.
How little I did I know.
Anyways, I took the plunge, bought a tofu cookbook, and purged every form of animal flesh from my diet. And I tried to eat as healthily as I knew how.
Well, guess what…
After a year of my journey through veganism my health problems came back with a vengeance. The phobias and occasional panic attacks of my early teens tortured me again, ten times worse than they ever had before.
When I was working as an undergraduate in a campus dining hall, I chose plates exclusively from the middle of the stack. As if the top plate would be full of microbes!
My anxieties had been so severe, I was afraid to eat food in my own home or drive my own car. Even as my physical health had seemed to disintegrate each passing moment.
I also opened the door to disabling paranoia and multiple panic attacks per week. Running gave me anxiety, my heart started skipping beats, and I could no longer work out.
I became lethargic, apathetic, and socially closed off, and suffered irrational outbursts of anger. I often found myself lying on the floor writhing in digestive pain.
After all these issues, I took a hint. I was clearly naive to pseudoscience. I bought into the marketing hype whenever it aligned with my own beliefs.
When I realized this, I dug deep in studying, researching, and finding out my missing pieces.
When I did?...
I filled in the holes by applying a diet that worked for ME. And the results…
My mood, mental stability, and energy level improved dramatically. I no longer suffered from heart trouble when running, now that I ate eggs and butter with abandon (oh, the irony!). My digestive system slowly reversed the damage. Despite the setbacks, I felt like a completely new person. I faced life with a renewed, joyful, and lively spirit.
In my case, healing meant leaving veganism and eating traditional, nutrient-dense animal foods. This approach saved my life.
And yet, I still repeated some of the same mistakes.
When nutrient-dense animal foods proved to be the key to my own health, I began to believe that animal foods were the solution for everyone.
Yet I was wrong.
While advising clients, I realized people did not respond the same way to each change in their nutrition.
That's why it's vital to dig into our own system and find out what works... and what doesn't.
Funny thing?
As time went on, my own needs changed over time.
When I was recovering from veganism, red meat and liver were amazing energy-boosters. But after years of consuming them, I made a shocking discovery:
I had trouble controlling how much iron I absorb from food.
The result?
All the extra iron started sapping my energy, making me fatigued, dragging my feet all day like anchors.
Each of us is unique. Your nutritional needs will be different from mine, and mine will be different from yours.
Our nutritional needs change over time. Mine are not what they were ten years ago. Yours aren't what they will be ten years from now.
Each of us has our own symptoms, which come from different deficiencies, different excesses, different imbalances.
These imbalances need to be traced in order to restore our optimal health.
My story shows the damage you can do to your body when you have no idea about:
- Your micronutrient deficiencies
- The true needs of your body
- The right lab tests you need to track down your needs and fulfil them
After my transformation I was fascinated with the impact your micronutrients can have on your body, your vital processes and your mental health. Fast forward a few years later, and I'm now an expert on optimal nutritional status.
And you know what?
Even mainstream medicine finally admits it:
Vitamin deficiencies can cause big problems.
As a traditionally educated PhD who often suggests non-mainstream solutions, I sometimes feel like a lone voice in the forest - even more when it comes to vitamins, minerals and proper nutrition. Don't get me wrong, though. For me, there's no greater feeling than to stand up for the healthy alternatives I know are right…
But coming in a close second is the feeling I get when the overwhelming evidence forces conventional medicine to agree with me - like in a recent Journal of the American Medical Association article, which concluded:
"...Insufficient vitamin intake is apparently a cause of chronic diseases...A large portion of the general population is apparently at increased risk for this reason."
Bingo! Coming from a mainstream source, this is quite an affirmation of the nutrition-based food-as-medicine both you and I believe in.
Then again, if you've been listening to my podcast or watching my videos, you've already known this fact for some time - and you're no doubt already applying the principles I teach.
There was just one problem.
There's too much information. Too spread out. And it's too time-consuming to go through.
If you tried searching for exactly what to do when you had a certain symptom…
...what lab tests to take to figure out your imbalances…
...and how to fix every deficiency you were facing…
… you would be banging your desk in frustration.
Plus, I needed a master tool I could go back to. For the times I advised my clients. Or when I needed to remember complicated lab tests. And to figure out exact supplement dosages to restore an imbalance.
Up to that point, there was nothing of the sort in the market.
Thus, I created Testing Nutritional Status: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet.
The Ultimate Cheat Sheet is everything you could ever need to know about:
● How to turbocharge your nutrition and upgrade your whole body
● How to dig out any nutritional deficiencies AND imbalances in your system
● The exact recipes to restore your well-being and slash risks of degenerative disease
It will not show you how to cure diseases.
But it will show you which lab tests to take — how to read "behind the numbers" — and track the stats that rob you of the ability to live a healthier, more energetic life.
Example: If your kidney stones bring a pain, simply look it up in the index. It will link you to the parts where I break down each vitamin and mineral that impacts your risk of kidney stones.
Here's why it's a cheat sheet in two ways:
● All of the lab testing you need for a complete nutritional screening is reduced to a single page. And I give you hyperlinks, so you can find any of the tests with just one click.
● In just five pages, I guide you through the lab testing, blood pressure, and dietary analysis. Plus an algorithm for quick decisions on what to do when the numbers are off.
But that's not all. The real goldmine in this tool is this:
● The most expansive list of signs and symptoms associated with all the possible nutrient imbalances, potential causes, and a step-by-step plan for correcting each imbalance.
Click the "Buy Now" button to
get the cheat sheet for only $29.99 $23.99! Use the code SAVE20 to get it 20% off!
Here's a quick peek at what's inside:
- A snappy way to track all your food nutritional value...in almost the same time it takes you to track 1 meal! → Page 7
- Diet low in unrefined plant foods? The first thing to do to avoid deficiencies→ page 19
- Three limitations that hinder your ability to track nutrients. Underestimate these and your food-tracking belongs in the trash → Page 8
- Taking vitamin supplements at doses higher than 100% of the DRI? You may risk toxicity. Check if you're in danger in the detailed section → page 8
- Unpasteurized milk, raw egg white, and whey protein supplements. What they have in common and the reason to consume these foods. (FDA & CDC hates one of these) → page 56
- Suffering from poor night vision, dry eyes or bumps on the skin? You might be lacking in this vitamin . It's also a major cause of kidney stones and a host of other insidious maladies → page 10
- Fatty acids: What to do when you can't have eggs → 71
- Does osteoporosis run in the family? It might not be your calcium OR vitamin D levels. Discover the chemical element which you might have too much of → page 12
- This 3 vitamin combination can make or break you -- Get their ratio wrong and you can end up with tetany, rickets or damaged kidney stones → page 12
- The exact time period you need to track your food intake before an exam. Do less than these and your deficiencies will stay hidden → page 7
- The ultimate test of whether your parathyroid hormone is suppressed. And how you can fix it → page 15
- The common activity that robs you of Vitamin D… yet, we all do it without a second thought. Plus how to reverse the effects. → page 12
- The case for reducing intake of this vitamin for heart health! (Usually supplementing this is a good idea. But in this case, it can possibly drop blood pressure to dangerous levels) See inside how → page 19
- Miss this vital vitamin and you risk widespread internal bleeding and hemorrhage → page 21
- Consuming more than a 100-gram serving of this meat per week? You may be tipping the toxicity scale. Check yourself at page 8.
- Why anticoagulants cause this deficiency by design, and the safer way to counteract this -- ASK your doctor today → page 22
- Taking too much of this vitamin? You're in danger of anorexia, blurred vision, scaling skin, hair loss (alopecia), organ damage, death. Find out if you're at risk and how to test for it at → page 10
- Weakness, tingling in hands and amnesia. Discover which vitamin connects all these symptoms → page 22
- How to avoid the life-sapping problems of the "3 D's" of pellagra — and guarantee yourself you're not at risk of the 4th D -- Death! → page 27
- A World War II clinical deficiency -- and the 3 tasty ways to avoid it → page 28
- Can't Eat Right? 5 mg's of this supplement will ensure you miss the "depression, cognitive decline and insomnia" train → page 29
- Vitamin C is NOT "Toxic", right? WRONG! See possible dangers → page 43
- The one vitamin deficiency to rule them all. Skipping this important vitamin halts thyroid hormones, sex hormones and a cluster of many other vitamins → page 45
- Do you have muscle aches, bone pains or bones feel fragile? You might be missing these 3 crucial nutrients → Page 12
- Pumping antacids or other stomach drugs? You're killing this mineral dead. Find out which one so you don't get anemia (it's not iron) → page 47
- Brazilian's secret to treating this deficiency → page 49
- How to keep your child from staying short, or ridden with a low IQ → page 50
- The truth about calcium. Does it protect or does it damage your kidneys?
Here's the answer, based on scientific research. → page 12
- Want to stay fertile? Make sure you don't suffer from this disease. Causes, effects and how you can track it down → page 58
- Why I hate the "Cut Down on Salt" movement and what to include to achieve the perfect balance → page 60
- A "Cliff's Notes" version of how to master your electrolyte intake depending on your diet (ratios are different in each case) → page 66
- Do you have fat malabsorption? Then Crohn's disease, celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, disorders of the liver, gallbladder, or pancreas could be the culprit. 3 subtle hints to discover if you absorb fats → Page 9
- The "shadow side" of electrolyte concentrations which almost always point to deeper -- not nutritional -- problems → page 68
- Unlocking the "MTHFR" code -- All the little-known requirements once it drops → page 36
Bonus #1: Index of Signs and Symptoms
Using the index, an action plan for your unique situation is just a click away. The index contains all possible signs and symptoms of nutrient deficiencies and imbalances. Loaded with 178 entries, there's no chance of failing to attend to your health matters again. It's the "busy person's" guide to finding exactly what you're looking for. Without having to read the whole guide.
Bonus #2: The 3 Paths When Using the Cheat Sheet
I've started the cheat sheet by outlining three different ways you can use it, depending on your personal needs:
If You Don't Want to Miss a Thing
● In the comprehensive approach, you get the comprehensive lab screening, conduct a dietary analysis and a series of home blood pressure measurements, and collect a list of signs and symptoms that seem relevant from the index.
If You Want to Save Time
● In the time-saving approach, you skip the dietary analysis — the most time-consuming part — and only resort to dietary analysis if and when some of your health challenges prove too difficult to resolve without it.
If You Want to Save Money
● In the cost-saving approach, you skip the lab screening, only resorting to running labs when doing so proves necessary to determine the best course of action.
The comprehensive approach is the one that generates the correct strategies the fastest, but if your time or finances are limited, the other two options allow you to make the best of the resources you have at your disposal.
By the way, while practical, this is an entirely educational resource. Please don't try anything in the cheat sheet without consulting your doctor, and please don't ever ignore the advice of your doctor because of anything I've written in the cheat sheet.
Bonus #3 : Nutrition Mastery Reading list
At the end of this guide, I've put together a collection of further reading materials.
These are the best, top-of-the-line places for you to develop a deeper understanding of nutrition and how your body works.
This is for you if you want the practical what-to-do information all distilled into one place. And hundreds of hyperlinks ensuring you never have to scroll, squint your eyes to find things, or make an appointment with Dr. Google.
TRY the "Testing Nutritional Status" FOR A FULL 60-DAYS, 100% RISK-FREE
If you don't find it to be your favorite, go-to resource about optimizing your nutrition, I insist that you get 100% of your money back.
It's simple: Read it through, take one of the three outlined approaches to assessing your nutritional needs, and see for yourself. If it doesn't give you a completely new perspective on how to upgrade your health and well-being, I want you to email me. Prove you did the work. And I'll refund you 100%.
By the way, I ask you to show me you've done one of the three outlined approaches and took action on them because I know how effective they can be when applied. I have no intention of keeping your money if you're dissatisfied, but I insist that you commit to taking action if you want the results from this tool. This material has helped thousands. And I'd like to share it with you if you're ready to use this material to make smart shifts in your nutrition, fix underlying symptoms you spot in your body, and make a massive positive change in your health.
Click the "Buy Now" button to
get the cheat sheet for only $29.99 $23.99! Use the code SAVE20 to get it 20% off!
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Absolutely! The one downside to using it outside of the US is that the first version of the cheat sheet lists labs such as Quest, LabCorp, Genova, and Drs. Data that are based inside the US. You may find it more difficult or impossible to access these labs if you live in another country, and even if you have access to them, your local options may work better.
The cheat sheet is still incredibly valuable, because the descriptions of the signs and symptoms of nutritional imbalances, the risk factors, and the practical strategies for fixing them are still the same. Even the listing of the lab tests will help you find the best approximations that are available to you locally.
After purchasing the cheat sheet, I will give you a feedback form. You can use this feedback form to let me know how I can make the cheat sheet even more useful to my international readers in future editions.
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Can This Be Used Outside of the United States?
Absolutely! The one downside to using it outside of the US is that the first version of the cheat sheet lists labs such as Quest, LabCorp, Genova, and Drs. Data that are based inside the US. You may find it more difficult or impossible to access these labs if you live in another country, and even if you have access to them, your local options may work better.
The cheat sheet is still incredibly valuable, because the descriptions of the signs and symptoms of nutritional imbalances, the risk factors, and the practical strategies for fixing them are still the same. Even the listing of the lab tests will help you find the best approximations that are available to you locally.
After purchasing the cheat sheet, I will give you a feedback form. You can use this feedback form to let me know how I can make the cheat sheet even more useful to my international readers in future editions.
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Once you pay, you are immediately directed to a page that allows you to download the PDF. You then get an email to the address you entered during payment with your order # in the subject line that also contains this download link. Soon after this, you get an email from me with the subject line "Ultimate Cheat Sheet: Kindle, iBook, PDF, and Getting Started." This contains the instructions for downloading the iBook and Kindle versions.
If you can't find these emails, the most likely thing that happened is you are looking in the wrong email address. You may not have entered an email address during checkout because your payment method already had an email associated with it. If you paid with information stored in PayPal, Amazon, or Facebook, and you did not enter an email address, then look up what email address was associated with that payment method and check that address.
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You will need to download the cheat sheet separately onto each device. This is different from if you bought a Kindle book on Amazon. When you do that, it syncs across your devices. But this is not because putting it into one Kindle app makes it appear in another. It is because you have it in your Amazon account, and Amazon has distributed it to all of your devices.
Since the cheat sheet is distributed through direct download links, you will need to access each download link on each device that you want to use the cheat sheet on. When you download it to your phone, use the "share" or "open in" button and choose "copy to Kindle," "send to Kindle," or "open in iBooks."
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Right now you're at a crossroads.
Option 1 – you can set up an appointment with Dr. Google. And rummage through long articles, podcast transcripts, or endless lists of links with conflicting information from randoms.
Or option 2 – you can pay expensive visits to nutritionists who are not qualified to give you the right tests to take. Or the knowledge to advise on how to act upon those tests.
Or option 3 – you can test drive the The Ultimate Cheat Sheet right now.
You'll have in your hands a tool which will serve your health for life. No longer will have be lost and alone with your symptoms. You'll have the exact tests to take, and precise guidelines to reverse the effects.
If you want it...
...click the "Buy Now" button to get the cheat sheet! Don't for get to add the code SAVE20 to get it for only $23.99 today!